Written Interview

Jackson Hu (Chinese Hero (Hangzhou) investment limited). Setting fashion trends

Anton Tscherne | 07 Aug 15:49
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Jackson Hu Deputy General Manager

Chinese Hero (Hangzhou) investment limited


Anton Tscherne: Could you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Jackson Hu

Anton Tscherne: Please tell us the name of the company you work for?

Interviewee: Chinese Hero (Hangzhou) investment limited

Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us your position in the company?

Interviewee: Deputy General Manager

Anton Tscherne: Approximately how many employees are there in the company?

Interviewee: : 600 people


Anton Tscherne i: your company is located in which city? What is the address of the company?

Interviewee: 6 28th, jianggan district, Hangzhou road, Yu Jin industrial park

Anton Tscherne : Your company was founded in which year?

Interviewee: 2002

Anton Tscherne: Please talk about why you are in the present business, what is your story?

Interviewee:: I love the costume design, I wanted to create my own brand, make it abroad, I'm always setting trends.


Anton Tscherne: Please tell us about your company's development situation and development direction or goal?

Interviewee:: Chinese hero in Italy original core support of forward-looking fashion elements, together with branding consultants intention Yang Shanghai Lian city planning design, sleek design, superb technology, unique fabrics perfect oriental classic Western style and connotation, grace, style, texture, and quality brand style.

Sales territory covers Northwest Southwest markets, market market, central market, East China and North China.

Our vision: to become the most popular fashion industry group

Our mission: to create the life and culture

Our core values: cooperation, innovation, commitment and growth.


Anton Tscherne: what is your company's product or service? What is a competitive advantage in the market?

Interviewee:: Chinese Hero (Hangzhou) investment limited was founded in 2002, is a design, development, marketing, promotion, information, logistics, production of large women's fashion company.

To brand as the core, costume design for the soul, relying on the strategic cooperation of international design and concept, production technology of large-scale, specialized, niche market service system, presents elegant, intelligent, modern but understated design, the exquisite technology, unique cut perfect oriental classic Western style and connotation.

FLOWER ENJOY leading brand, positioning in the urban and elegant ladies, simple it contains intellectual elegance, unique with a stick. And international brand design philosophy of Italy design firm strategic alliances together to create a stylish atmosphere of the image display system and product style route system, with first-class packaging and perfect after-sales service system to create a suitable environment of the customer Terminal, clothing style is simple, elegant, versatile, highly practical, in line with international trend colors, straightforward interpretation.

Currently has the image of a unified Department store image store, self-store specialized model, as well as the efficient and stable network marketing model, under the guidance of creative subversion of strategic thinking, continues to create a new milestone.

Anton Tscherne: Does your company have an official website? Please tell your Web site address so we can all learn more about your company.

Interviewee: http://www.hrjchina.cn


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