Written Interview

Shai Lin (Art Lattice Culture Communication Co., Ltd). The image design industry is both an old and new industry

Anton Tscherne | 16 Dec 15:24
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Shai Lin Founder

Art Lattice Culture Communication Co., Ltd


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Shai Lin

Anton Tscherne: What is the name of the company you work for?

Interviewee: Art Lattice Culture Communication Co., Ltd.


Anton Tscherne: What position do you hold in the company?

Interviewee: Founder of Art Lattice and chief executive of Art Lattice Culture Communication Co., Ltd. I am also a national level image designer and state-level senior makeup artist.

Anton Tscherne: Which city is the company located in? What is the address of the company?

Interviewee: Jiaxing Tongxiang, No. 208 Renmin Road, Indus Street


Anton Tscherne: What year was the company set up? Is there anything worth saying about the development process?

Interviewee: "Art, travel with the arts"

Hello everyone, first of all I wish to introduce our company and team. We are the company called "Art lattice"; art lattice is a modeling agency and also a high-end private custom studio in Jiaxing which produces "image design and portrait photography". We love the service-oriented industry where everyone's heart is in their work which makes "The world's Another Me"-you understand?

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Anton Tscherne: Please tell us your company's development status and direction or goal

Interviewee: The image design industry is an old and new industry. Its birth to development has undergone thousands of years of change, including the internal beauty and external beauty with two aspects of the embodiment. Albert Hood, a prominent American human-relations expert, has studied the direct interaction of people and pointed out that the first impression of a person left to others is influenced by certain factors. Among them the content of speech accounted for 7%, the language (number, intonation, volume, etc.) accounted for 38%, non-verbal information (facial expression, posture, behavior, clothing, etc.) accounted for 55%.

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Anton Tscherne: What is your company's main product or service? What competitive advantage does it have in the market?

Interviewee: Our Art Lattice services include: personalized image design, wedding and makeup, shows, commercial Taobao, portrait photos. We are also involved in "makeup modeling, photography" launched by the customization of services.

EGO Bride is the "bridal high-end styling" of the art lattice model: Technical capabilities are the core of makeup needed by many celebrities and high-end shows with field cooperation. With superb modeling technology, no matter if its Chinese gracefulness, European simplicity, Korean-style freshness, Japanese-style lively or your own unique imagination of the unrestrained. If you do not know what exactly is suitable for you we will present it for you with tailor-made personal and high-end fashion styling. Make-up modeling is not only a kind of work, but also a culture. Believe in the "Art Lattice" and you will find the perfect and unique self-gains and you will feel the professional star-level makeup modeling of absolute quality

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Anton Tscherne: What is the company's portfolio brief?

Interviewee: Hmm, yes. Here is a brief introduction to the picture.

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Anton Tscherne: If someone wants to know more about you and your company, how can they get in touch with you?

Interviewee: My contact number is: 13857316625 (wechat - micro letter)

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