Written Interview

Alicia He (Jin Yue Hui Health Management Co., Ltd). Excellent Postnatal Care

Anton Tscherne | 23 Jul 11:43
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Alicia He Business manager

Jin Yue Hui Health Management


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Alicia He

Anton Tscherne: What is the name of your company?

Interviewee: Jin Yue Hui Health Management


Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us what position you have in the company?

Interviewee: Business manager

Anton Tscherne: How many employees in the company?

Interviewee: There are about 100 people working in the company. We have many work positions including nurses, baby nannies, cooks, cleaners and reception.

Anton Tscherne: According to a recent survey in the Yancheng Evening Newspaper more than 80 percent of the people in Guangzhou said they needed a maternity nanny to take care of both the newborn and the mother.

I am very impressed that now women in Jiaxing have a service to get high quality postpartum care after giving birth just like in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Interviewee: Thank you

Anton Tscherne: What is your company's main products or services? Does it have a competitive advantage in the market?

Interviewee: Company advocated confinement, high-end hospital care standards into confined the nursing profession, confinement to look after and popular traditions combined with the Western modern medical care, maternity and newborns with high professionalism, high security, high trust of the maternal and child care services noble.

We offer numerous services. One service is having a “Baby Nanny” to help the mother for about 1 month after the baby is born. The “baby Nanny” also teach new mothers how to properly care for their babies.

We have comfortable rooms here for the mother and baby however we are also able to send a baby nanny to the mother’s home if she chooses.

Anton Tscherne: Could you describe in detail the service the mother gets everyday?

Interviewee: The service includes 6 meals a day, routine daily checkups, breast massage to produce ilk for the newborn, baby care, wound care as well as regular checkups.


Anton Tscherne:In the western world most new mothers never heard of hiring a postpartum care worker who takes care of the mom and newborn. Was this something that they did in ancient China or is it something new?

Interviewee: During the past 10 years services such as ours have become more and more popular. The reason is that we provide a comfortable and relaxed place for new born mothers to learn how to take care of their babies.

Postpartum rehabilitation guidance of postpartum recovery is for women in the production after the, often because the body is too weak and needs some restoration and maintenance, and the restoration and maintenance are referred to as postpartum recovery. Rely on professional health care, postpartum recovery contains the private part of the key aspects of postpartum perineum cell vitality factors of nursing and postpartum recovery, postpartum uterus shape recovery and psychological recovery after childbirth, women must pay attention to nutrition during recovery of balanced diet.

Anton Tscherne: Is the postpartum care worker called “YUESAO” in China

Interviewee: Yes

Anton Tscherne: Can you talk about why you do what you do right now?

Interviewee: I have a nursing educational background so I enjoy helping new mothers with their babies.


Anton Tscherne: Please tell us your company's development status and development direction or goal?

Interviewee: The company was started in 2014. Since then we have expanded our facilities and business very well. We have also added additional workers such as: nurses, nannies, managers, reception, cleaners and chefs.

Anton Tscherne: There was a policy in China for 35 years to only have a single child. Now a 2nd child is permitted. Do you think this will help your business?

Interviewee: Yes. Also many mothers have a good experience with our company then they tell other mothers.

Anton Tscherne: feeding time how long and how often?

Interviewee: Each baby has different sucking patterns, birth day, some kids like mother long time due to the frequency of feeding, some like to suck one to two hours in a row, and then sleep for a few hours, which lasted up to 3-4 days postpartum mothers’ milk. There are baby feeding for a short time, but they are more frequent, and some babies in the first few days of life to infants no interest or very sleepy.

You must be prepared to spend a lot of time early in the postpartum feeding your baby. Fixed feeding time can affect breastfeeding, because when it comes to feeding time on the schedule, the baby may fall asleep or is crying.

Sleepiness or if the baby seems to have no interest in feeding, he should be encouraged to eat at least 8-12 within 24 hours of milking, carefully observe the tips he gives you, in his lucid or light sleep (eyes turning in eyelid), trying to get her sucking.

Dim the lights, take off all his clothes, he wore only a diaper. Too warm will increase his sleepy. Wipe or pat him on the back, or with a wet cold towel to wipe his forehead and cheeks, and you can try to feed him in different positions.

Anton Tscherne: How do you get a baby ready for a bath?

Interviewee: Jiaxing Golden months meeting month Club prompts you: cold winter give the baby a bath must prepare: baby shower not too much space, easy to use heaters, bath space heat up in advance, in order to lower the temperature. Need special reminded of is: using bath PA Shi cannot let its directly irradiation baby of eyes; water temperature adjustment right zhihou must to note alternate hot, prevent bath process in the baby Lai water not out, water temperature reduced Shi can timely added; baby change of clothes and package of towel to prepared in place, baby once water can timely wearing insulation; baby dedicated of bathing dew, and shampoo to put in most said hand of location, guarantee bath Shi can easily shortcut to take

Anton Tscherne: When it is cold what diet should a baby have?

Interviewee: Winter, reasonable diet can also enhance the cold for the baby, so that children survive the cold winter months. Vitamins may help the baby against the cold, and particularly vitamin B2 and vitamin E, so parent moderately feed baby. Vitamin e-rich foods: green leafy vegetables, orange peel, lettuce leaves, wheat germ oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, etc; foods rich in vitamin B2 include: dairy products, cheese, yogurt, whole-grain bread, cereal, eggs, fruit, and dairy products are the best sources of vitamin B2.

building.jpgAddress: Sunshine Hotel, Jiaxing 7F (1628 East Zhongshan Rd)

Anton Tscherne: Does the company have an official website? Please tell us your website or more on the Internet to understand your company's way.

Interviewee: The company web site is: www. jxjinyuehui.com

Anton Tscherne: Do you also have wechat?

Interviewee: Yes.


Anton Tscherne: I wish your team much success in the year of the monkey.

Interviewee: Thank you


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