Video Interview

Shengqing Gu (Dongzhai Art Gallery). Art + Business

28 Aug 16:51
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Shengqing Gu Owner

Dongzha Contemporary Art Center


Host: We are at the Dongzhai Art Gallery in Jiaxing, China. I have the owner here, Mr. Gu. He kindly agrees to give us a presentation. Mr.Gu, thank you very much for inviting us.

Host: It is a pleasure to meet you.



GuShengqing: It is a great honor to have you here.

Host: Thank you for agreeing to show us the whole complex.

Host: Since you are the owner, you surely know every interest of this place.

Host: So, the first thing we’d like, could you please briefly describe what is behind us?

GuShengqing:That art gallery.

Host: Mr. Gu, could you briefly describe this area?

GuShengqing: Actually, you know , the whole Dongzhai Art gallery is like 10 mu in square meters.

GuShengqing: And the whole building area is 6800 in square meters.

GuShengqing: There are in total 3 buildings here.


GuShengqing: And here we are now is the art gallery.

GuShengqing: The second building which we are going to head for is actually a studio for one famous artist.

GuShengqing: And the third building in south,the upper space is used as some innovation studios. And there are some supporting commercial facilities underside.

GuShengqing:There are western restaurant, and coffee bar.

Host: So this is the gallery for the painters?

GuShengqing: Now, I want to give some general introduction about this gallery.

GuShengqing:This gallery is built in 2006.

GuShengqing: And now the whole area of this gallery is about 600 square meters.


GuShengqing: Yeah, the other 300 square meters we are now doing some planning.

GuShengqing: Actually the other 300 square meters we are now planning to used it as a display for the art works.

GuShengqing: After the opening of this gallery, they had a series of the famous, influential academic art shows.

GuShengqing: Now we have built a relationship with the best 8 art schools in China.

GuShengqing: Especially with the China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

GuShengqing: Build up a very confidential relationship.

GuShengqing: At the same time , we also build up some relationship with international art universities.

GuShengqing: That includes the L’Écolenationalesupérieure d’art de Nancy estfermée(The Superior National Institution of Art in Nancy)

GuShengqing: écolenationalesupérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (The Superior National Institution of Art in Paris).

GuShengqing: And Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia.

Host: We will talk about that later. The Artists Residency Program.

Host: Now perhaps if you could show us more of the complex outside.


Host: Now Mr.Gu, could you please show us where you hold your opening night receptions for the artists? I believe it’s in a beautiful area attached to the gallery, beautiful wood, a beautiful café, with the beautiful Chinese garden in the back.

GuShengqing: Actually,these are the supporting commercial facilities we especially build for the opening night reception.

GuShengqing: it’s a special combination of coffee and the art for the audiences and the artists.

Host: Very good. OK. Let’s take a look inside.

GuShengqing: We have beautiful collection of arts, magazines.

GuShengqing: Those magazines about the artists were sent by you know all kinds of both Chinese and International galleries let them have a look at.

GuShengqing: You know, to let the artists and the audiences who came here to let them what is happening in the art world internationally.

Host: Now we are in the beautiful café.

Host: It’s nice and cool. Outside is 99 degrees.

Host: Literally hotter than Miami Florida.

Host: Perhaps you can speak a few words about the coffee area.

GuShengqing: Actually, when we built this in 2013, our main purpose to build this place is to use it as a combination of art and food so that let all the audience who love art have longer time spending here and get contacts with the art.


GuShengqing: Actually this place has already become the best casual place in the whole Jiaxing city now.

GuShengqing: Yeah, it is ranked the first place by the Jiaxing residents as the best place about the environment around this whole café bar.

Host: I noticed that. Beautiful environment .

GuShengqing: You know, just appreciating the coffee, and at the same time appreciating the art.

Host: That’s right. First thing I noticed was outside the garden here, it looks very somewhat traditional Chinese but Modern.

Host: So let’s go outside and have a look.

GuShengqing: Let me give you a general introduction.

GuShengqing: OK. Now we are on the outside of the complex. And Mr. Gu would describe some of the features.

GuShengqing: Actually, this outside is also about 600 square meters in area. And when we were building this we adopted some waterscape , use Chinese traditional material, black brick to build this place.

GuShengqing: So we have led the water into this yard.

GuShengqing: Because the water seems as a combination of the sky and ground.

GuShengqing: Because you know there are reflections about sky and the clouds in the water.

GuShengqing: And we also keep some water lilies in the water.

GuShengqing: There are little fishes inside.

GuShengqing: So the whole yard will seem intangible.

GuShengqing: So all the artists and audiences would enjoy this.

Host: I noticed that Chinese artists love to do paintings with water lilies.

GuShengqing: Because I want to do something about the water. You know once a baby was born, it can swim and it loves enjoying the water. So that’s why.

GuShengqing :But sometimes you know too much water , it might not be good.

GuShengqing: Just like a ocean. If the water is too much it can be very dangerous.

GuShengqing: This water is like our Chinese image, a small bridge over the flowing stream.

GuShengqing: It is full of poem and art

Host: I realized. I learned from a business man, he said that what water and fire mean is a very important moment.

GuShengqing: Water in China means it can bring the luck, wealth and a lot of good things.

GuShengqing: And you know the bridge is sort of like a bond which brings people and society together

Host: Very Good. Now let’s look at the outside of the complex more

Host: Here we are ,on the outside of the coffee.

Host: And look at the beautiful water lilies, small pond and water coming down from walls. Maybe you can describe your inspiration for that.

Host: Noticed a lot goldfish.

Host: One water lily is in bloom.

Host: Very beautiful setting.


Host: I believe that all collectors will be previledged to come to this gallery.

Host: And also for the artists residency program ,the artists exchange program.

Host: This would be beautiful place to relax after painting all day.

Host: We will talk about that later.

Host: Right.

GuShengqing: In China about these songs ,and water and the bridge, it’s always like a Chinese poem.

Host: So this look like a new complex of their building. And let’s have a look inside

Host: A new coffee bar is now on building.

GuShengqing: It will be opened officially in one month.

Host: A lot of settings, opened glass. So we have here the outside looking in, the inside looking out.

GuShengqing: You know because of that, the whole atmosphere is very good.

Host: Very good, OK. Very nice. So numeral settings here, when the artists and collectors come from United States Germany, they have plenty of room to relax. And a cool atmosphere.

Host: Beautiful scenery, absolutely wonderful.

Host: You won’t find this in north America.

GuShengqing:Because it all bases on the Chinese Materials and Chinese factors. Even the materials to build this building we use some very traditional one.

Host: Traditional stone outside, I noticed that. The brick, Chinese brick.

Host: Because in north America the bricks will all be red.

Host: This is a difference between China and America.

Host: Now we are walking towards the front of the complex.

Host: This is a western food restaurant so we can have a visit here.

Host: So large parts of China you don’t get that much western food, this is really a surprise. Very good restaurant, spaghetti, lasagna and let’s have a look inside.

GuShengqing: Here we are in the Tao Zee restaurant of the complex of Dongzhai Art Gallery. Mr.Gu. This restaurant is built as a part of this whole gallery, and now it is specially for young people who have a sense of art or pursuit the fashion. Sometimes it also serves the people who attend this art gallery show and then they could dine here.

Host: Yes. I dined here once with Mr.Gu please describe this restaurant.

Host: I had the lasagna.

Host: And I recommend it.

GuShengqing: Actually it is very good to meet the young people’s requirements. And actually it has become one of the best places to dine in Jiaxing.

GuShengqing: The manager of this restaurant called Taozui is a man who really loves cars.

GuShengqing: He loves the sports cars very much.

GuShengqing: He owns a his own Ferrari car.

GuShengqing: you see the new wealth in China being created.

GuShengqing: I see more Porches.

GuShengqing: It’s the most fashionable place where the local young people would love to go.

Host: Once you get outside these very large cities like Shanghai and Beijing it’s little harder to find a restaurant like this.

Host: That’s the biggest problem the foreigners face, finding foreign food.

Host: So you did a wise thing to have this attached to the gallery.

GuShengqing: Today we are very happy to have you here.

GuShengqing: We hope that in the future you could bring foreign friends to here.

Host: This would be a good place for foreign artists. When they come they paint during the day, they could have their meals here at night, and they could have coffee in the evening.

GuShengqing: And we also serve wine.

Host: Oh very good. OK, let’s go to the other part of the complex now.

Host: Now we are towards the back of the complex, and Mr.Gu would describe how this area used.

GuShengqing: You know this building is for the artist studios.

GuShengqing: And for the first floor here, maybe in 13 or 15 months there would be the best organic restaurant open here.

GuShengqing: To let all the people who come to this gallery internationally and Chinese people can eat some organic food with any pollution.

GuShengqing: And this pond was made by humanwork.

GuShengqing: Actually this pond is linked to a natural river outside.

Host: Oh, natural river outside?

Host: Big fish, OK. Then next time we could come fishing here.

GuShengqing: In fact their next step is to build a building, just near the pond.

GuShengqing: We would have some very good architects to design for this building.

GuShengqing: You know after building up, there would be something about Chinese tea ceremony in this building.

Host: OK. Chinese tea.

GuShengqing: And some Chinese paintings.

GuShengqing: Even we would have some very old traditional Chinese instrument.


GuShengqing: As a combination of all the Chinese factor.

Host: Ok, thank you. Now let’s look inside one of the studios.

Host: Now we are also on the back of the complex, where there are some studios. We see the key studios on the wall, Mr.Gu tell us about this.

GuShengqing: There are some studios which relate to the art.

GuShengqing: And one of them is doing the business about magazine shooting.

GuShengqing : And another company does cloth designing, and their business is linked to Internet.

GuShengqing: The owner of the company comes from the University of Tokyo.

GuShengqing: He owns a experience of over 20 years about designing in Japan.

Host: Now we are in the key studio(28:08), and Mr.Gu will briefly describe it.

GuShengqing: This is a company we bring in which specially involved in designing things.

GuShengqing: The owner of the company is a very famous designer in Japan.

GuShengqing: This is sort of like a base of his company in China.

GuShengqing: They aim their main market specially at Shanghai and entire Japan.

GuShengqing: We plan to build a building you know just on the water which is a combination of glass and black brick which will look very professional and fashionable.

GuShengqing: Actually in this building we also serve some rooms for the international artists to live in.

GuShengqing: And their studios.

GuShengqing: Then they can drink tea here

GuShengqing: Listen to the Chinese music.

Host: Yes. Very relaxing

Host: Inspirational place for the painters.

Host: With all the plants, the trees, the water.

Host: If an artist doesn’t get inspired here, he would never get inspired.

GuShengqing: When the artists come here, they can calm down and peace down in their heart, then they can use their souls to do their paintings and art.

Host: Maybe now we could look inside the main office building ,some residency place where the artists would work.

GuShengqing: So the cars are not allowed getting in here.

GuShengqing: No business advertisement here.

GuShengqing: It’s just a very simple combination of human and nature.

GuShengqing: Just let the art bring back to life in natural place.

Host: Mr.Gu, I noticed these special bricks.

GuShengqing: During the industrialization in China, those sort of countryside in China is becoming less and less. And so we have stored those bricks.

GuShengqing: The purpose of them store these bricks is to use them in the building we mentioned on the water.

GuShengqing: Just to let these Chinese traditional material things live longer in Chinese culture.

GuShengqing: So we can find the original things about our culture in nowadays modern art and industrialization.

Host: OK, let’s move on now, inside.

GuShengqing: Now we are in one of the studios for the residency program. This is a special studio we have printing and painting together. Mr.Gu would describe some of the features. So if you are an interested artist from Europe, United States or South of America they have a great program here for artists exchange. Mr.Gu, please describe this area.

GuShengqing: This studio is for a very famous artist who is specialized in print things. A member of China Artists Association.

GuShengqing: He has been a resident here for 2 years already.

GuShengqing: He would come here to do some print things aperiodically.

GuShengqing: Even some local people here who are interested about print would come here and learn from him.


Host: Does this actually work here? This function.

GuShengqing: This is the most traditional machine for the prints.

GuShengqing : It’s from Europe.

GuShengqing: Even those famous printmakers they use this kind of machine.

GuShengqing: In China Academy of Art they also use this kind of machine.

Host: Yes, printing is very large in United States.

Host: OK, let’s move on to see some more.

Host: Now we are on the second floor of the complex, and we have 2 prominent artists right behind sculpture and a large painting, could you briefly describe this arts, Mr.Gu?

GuShengqing: Those 2 sculptures are made by a very famous Chinese sculptor.

GuShengqing: Actually this artist is a postgraduate from Tsinghua University.

GuShengqing: Actually you know those 2 sculptures has been inspired from the Terra-Cotta Warriors.

GuShengqing: Because the Terra-Cotta Warriors are made from clay.

GuShengqing: All the Terra-Cotta Warriors are standing here holding different weapon.

GuShengqing: But the postures of those 2 sculptures ,they pose in a very modern way.

GuShengqing: Just like rock stars performing on the stage.

GuShengqing:The material he used were modern materials.

GuShengqing: Actually they were spray-painted.

GuShengqing: It’s a combination of conventional posture and modern materials.


GuShengqing: So a confliction forms.

GuShengqing: And finally they convey a very new image .

GuShengqing: Actually this big painting is one of a painter Mr.Zhang’s paintings. A month ago, they held an art show.

GuShengqing: I want to introduce some basic information about this studio things.

Host: Very good. Cause we are here to present the foreign artists, this foreign artists exchange program that Mr.Gu has.

Host: So Mr.Gu would briefly describe his experiences he had in the past with foreign exchange groups.

GuShengqing: The whole area of the studios space we prepare for the artists is now about 2,000 square meters in area.

GuShengqing: we have already build up 15 artist studios now.

GuShengqing: During those years we have build a very good relationship with the famous artists in China.

GuShengqing: Actually here is a studio for the cross-media department of the China Academy of Art.

Host: Perhaps you could describe 2 or 3 things of it.

GuShengqing: This is the studio of a very famous modern artist: Wu Sanduan.

GuShengqing: And that picture shows the studio for a very famous man who works in the China Academy of Art.

GuShengqing: This is the studio of the sculptor who made these 2 Terra-Cotta Warrior sculptures.

GuShengqing: And he is a Doctor of a France art school: écolenationalesupérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (The Superior National Institution of Art in Paris).

GuShengqing: This picture shows a exchange art show with a French University: écolenationalesupérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (The Superior National Institution of Art in Paris).

GuShengqing: Then there were 6 artists worked here.

GuShengqing: After the work was finished they held a show of their art works.

GuShengqing: Very good. I mean experience with artists from France, not only they work, paint here but they exhibit here their paintings . And this picture shows you know some works done by both artists from écolenationalesupérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (The Superior National Institution of Art in Paris) and China Academy of Art .

GuShengqing: And doing their art works on the scene.

GuShengqing: Then they exhibited them.

GuShengqing: That’s a picture of vice-chairman of Chinese Artists association.

GuShengqing: A very famous sculptor.

GuShengqing: They do some exchange works here.

GuShengqing: And the other man is also a vice-president of Print Association .

GuShengqing: And that shows some very famous artists in northern China.

GuShengqing:That is a man from And Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia.

GuShengqing: Doing some works and shows.

GuShengqing: And that shows other people from their university.

Host: These are the basic information. So there you have it. If you are an artist looking to do an exchange program, come to the Dongzhai Gallery .Mr.Gu’s a great man ,he’ll make sure you’ll have all you need for painting, sculpting, glass. So we thank you very much, and back to you.


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