Written Interview

Zhang Ke (International Jewelry Co., Ltd). Unique handmade jewelry

Anton Tscherne | 05 Jan 11:15
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Zhang Ke General Manager

International Jewelry Co., Ltd


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: My name is Zhang Ke.

Anton Tscherne: What is the name of your company?

Interviewee: International Jewelry Co., Ltd


Anton Tscherne: What is your position in the company?

Interviewee: General manager

Anton Tscherne: In which city is your company located in?

Interviewee: Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

Anton Tscherne: The company was founded in what year?

Interviewee: 2008

Anton Tscherne: How many employees do you have in your company?

Interviewee: 70 people

Anton Tscherne: Can you talk about your career now?


Interviewee: Jewelry will bring energy and magnetic field, enhance people's quality of life and the pursuit of different value concept, will make people more bright and luster, improve people's confidence.

Anton Tscherne: Could you tell us your company's development status and direction?

Interviewee: My company is now operating in a stable state, I hope to be able to do better on a larger platform, stronger! Our company's jewelry is exported to the domestic and foreign.


Anton Tscherne: What is the advantage of your company's products or services compared to competitors?

Interviewee: Our company's jewelry is natural, it has a collection of value and has a high potential value.

Mainly engaged in natural crystal, jade, jade, precious wood products (including gold rimmed nanmu, etc.) and expensive watches and other luxury goods.


Anton Tscherne: If someone is interested in getting more information about your company how can they contact you? (phone and email).




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