Written Interview

Li Youqing (China Holdings Co., Ltd). China's first virtual currency FC

Anton Tscherne | 17 Aug 14:17
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Li Youqing Director of Marketing

China Holdings Limited


Anton Tscherne: Could you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Li Youqing

Anton Tscherne: Please tell us the name of the company you work for?

Interviewee: China Holdings Limited


Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us your position in the company?

Interviewee: Director of marketing

Anton Tscherne: In which city is the company located ?

Interviewee: Guangzhou

Anton Tscherne: In which year was the company founded?

Interviewee: August 2015 in 20

Anton Tscherne: Approximately how many employees are there in the company?

Interviewee: 100 people


Anton Tscherne: Please talk about why you are in the present business, what is your story?

Interviewee: China's first virtual currency FC

Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us a brief history of virtual currency?

Interviewee: in the context of Internet financial international, FC born by Hong Kong, China FreeCreators group currency, FC issued raised our Chinese people themselves in their original encrypted digital virtual money, it turned out, shocked the world. A whole new business models emerge, it is in O2O,F2C mode, combined with FC encrypted virtual currency, collection business, player, investors in one country vigorously promotes flow of online commodity to meet national administration for proposing public Internet financial innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking.

FC will be a posture of trumps, stands in the wave of Internet finance in China Bridge, national financial services is committed to creating, defending national economic sovereignty and promotion of commodities and currency in circulation, to assist the country's economic world dominance, has made great contributions!


Anton Tscherne: Please tell us about your company's development situation and direction?

Interviewee: Chinese dream, promote the internationalization FC, 3-5 to build a great middle class

Anton Tscherne: Your company's product or service and what kind of advantage over the competition?

Interviewee: People's Republic of China's first virtual currency

Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us about encryption?

Interviewee: FC encryption soon, company and integrity system will seamless docking and tie, together all players, common build out can dates back source, can global trading, can global circulation, can to center of, can hedge collection, can consumption shopping, can public issued volume, can public source code, and number limited, security can strong, has number scarce, market height recognized, characteristics of a new encryption digital virtual assets.

Currency once finished encryption, immediately a consortium invested heavily in business product support, players promoted project, fast flow, media publicity, ground air thousands blades, one-stop online, what worried FC does not fire?


Anton Tscherne: How do you plan to grow the business ?

Interviewee: first drive service centers across the country small and medium players fire up, then affect all players, to cover global markets! Company will not give up any gamer, will also assist the drastic reform of the system, based on the principle of good faith, to create a "consumer financial +FC + coins" great model; in good faith to leasing as a tool, available to all investors had no investment risk, win high investment returns.

FC Mall opened, any player with new friends, can introduce side of the businesses settled in the city, who have income from long pipe, and can even operate them as a career.Mall at the same time to accept renminbi as payment, you can store money and FC coin Exchange, but also through the Mall.

Businesses make mutual benefit with players, cross each other thrust, like the five Olympic rings linked together to form a whole, firm structure, impenetrable, larger and more long this pattern, the greater the more prosperous! As long as our players a little bit now, markets will be difficult to get a coin, up to the fiery scenes, only those who simply believe that wisdom, are the biggest beneficiaries!


Anton Tscherne: Does the company have an official website? Can you tell us the website?

Interviewee: www.fc-coin.cn


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