Written Interview

Zhou Xiaofang ( Zhou Xiaofang Art) . Poetry and paintings

Anton Tscherne | 05 Sep 14:02
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Zhou Xiaofang Artist

Zhou Xiaofang Art


Anton Tscherne: Could you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Zhou Xiaofang

Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us what work you do?

Interviewee: I am an Artist. I paint and also write poetry.


Anton Tscherne: Can you please explain your art?

Interviewee: her ink and wash shrimp, originated from Qi Baishi, and try something different. Throwing ink pen, painted body, invasion of color, crystal clear sense of more shrimp. Ink vertical points for the eye, writing from the brain, ground into gold, vivid, showed sublime skill. That ghostly eyes in activities, shrimp there looked lively, showing of the artist's inner spirit, reached the acme of situations.

She also wrote, painting Freehand combination of pine and meticulous animal, natural wit, the text rigorous, writing elegant, effortless. Natural rhythm is seen as artists, the life spirit of wandering spirit an unlimited life, viewing her work, smelling fragrance in the air like a rich, refreshing the lungs.


Anton Tscherne: talk about why you now, what story?

Interviewee: Zhou Xiaofang, a pseudonym: Cher. Was born in Zhejiang, settled down in Beijing. Vice President and distinguished, the current Director of the Chinese Academy of painters. Artists at the national level. Member of China artists Association Beijing Branch. Strength of Chinese calligraphers Association, Vice President of the world. Honorary Dean of the stars of Chinese painting and calligraphy Institute.

Studied at the Academy of fine arts painting Department of China, female disciples Professor Hong Shiqing, disciple of Qi Baishi, a contemporary breakthroughs, innovation techniques first Dragon prawns. Freehand ink song unique and vast, simple beauty. Chinese flavor, to write the combination of mood. Individuals are good at poetry, important publications in China.


Anton Tscherne: Please tell us about your company's development situation and development direction or goal?

Interviewee: 90 anniversary of famous paintings exhibition in the country, ancient pine won the Grand Prize: "the best painting Award". 2014 works were selected by Chinese painting of meticulous brushwork Yearbook.

Artists in the annual ceremony in China, was awarded: "the pride of China and people's artist" title. 2015 in light of Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition in the country, ink and wash shrimp won the "award of excellence". Are the most collectible of potential painters.

painting-1.jpg Famous painter Zhou Xiaofang poetry and painting works

Anton Tscherne: what is your company's product or service? What is a competitive advantage in the market?

Interviewee: she's on the road in pursuit of artistic, through unimaginable hardships, has raised tuition blood five times a month and fainting. But she didn't quit and aesthetic consciousness continues to nourish her heart, triggering her artistic inspiration in these poetic images, full of female artist soul exquisite emotional and clever intellectual perception of the show. Countless days and nights over the mountains, camped, constantly hard cover experience, sketched a picture of life pieces.

Her painting the road is very wide, meticulous, Freehand flower and bird figures can draw. She drew fine mist charge includes Zen: static in action, it is true, refreshing, quality high. Fusion of traditional culture and modern aesthetics in one. Green leaf contained green mists, red British day to China. Refreshing the view, my spirit baptism, soul sublimation, Dead Poets Society, soundless artistic effect.


Anton Tscherne: official website of the company do? Please tell our Web site or on the Internet know more about your company.

Interviewee: videos





Anton Tscherne: if someone wants to know more about you and your company, how can I contact you?

Interviewee: You can please contact the "Business Interview" platform and speak to Mrs. Qiao Xin. The service telephone number in China is: 13705732507


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