Written Interview

Tian Lei (Xiamen Tian Sister Health Food Ltd). Health and Longevity

Anton Tscherne | 15 Jan 17:56
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Tian Lei Chairman of the board

Xiamen Tian sister health food Limited by Share Ltd


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Tian Lei

Anton Tscherne: What is your companys name is?

Interviewee: Xiamen Tian Sister Health Food Ltd


Anton Tscherne: What is your position in the company?

Interviewee: Chairman of the board

Anton Tscherne: How many employees are there in the company?

Interviewee: 20 people

Anton Tscherne: Which city is your company located in? What is the address of the company?

Interviewee: Xiamen

Xiamen City Lianqian Lianfeng Road No. 409 building room 1003

Anton Tscherne: your company was founded in what year?

Interviewee: January 2015

Anton Tscherne: Can you talk about why you are in this business, what is your story?

Interviewee: I drink health porridge postpartum recovery rapidly, the skin white, red, very shiny. Body proportions than in children before more symmetrical, energetic, the radiant, showing a than actual age 10 years younger. Because love this career, deep heart want to help millions of people more youthful vitality, health and longevity, so we integrate the old family of traditional Chinese medicine, porridge king to do my team commissioned a large food factory production field sister health porridge.

Anton Tscherne: Please tell us your company's development status and development direction or goal?

Interviewee: 2016 sales of 300 million, 4-5 10 billion. Listed on the main board, the market value of 10 billion. Three distribution platform for the first year of 1 million distributors, the first 2-3 ten million distributors.

Anton Tscherne: What is your company's main products or services? Does it have a competitive advantage in the market?

Interviewee: We are China only tinplate filling health porridge, no preservatives, no pigment, without any additives, nominal family for decades to verify the formula. Qi and blood, protecting the five internal organs, UFA, dehumidification, anti fatigue, anti three, enhance immunity. Paiduyangyan anti-aging, promote wound healing, help sleep.

Anton Tscherne: If someone wants to know more about you and your company, how to contact you?

Interviewee: Xiamen city Lianqian Lianfeng Road No. 409 building room 1003


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