Written Interview

Xu Ming (Ningbo Jimmy Roth Garment Co. Ltd). Innovative clothing fabric for children’s uniforms

Anton Tscherne | 05 Jan 16:22
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Xu Ming Chairman

Ningbo Jimmy Roth Garment Co. Ltd.


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: My name is Xu Ming.

Anton Tscherne: What is the name of your company?

Interviewee: Ningbo Jimmy Roth Garment Co. Ltd.


Anton Tscherne: What is your position in the company?

Interviewee: Chairman

Anton Tscherne: In which city is your company located in?

Interviewee: Ningbo in Zhejiang province

Anton Tscherne: The company was founded in what year?

Interviewee: 2007年

Anton Tscherne: How many employees do you have in your company?

Interviewee: 200 people

Anton Tscherne: Can you talk about your career now?


Interviewee: We mainly serve in school, school uniforms, to the healthy growth of children gain a different childhood we are committed into the use the innovation of clothing fabric children satisfaction uniforms made!

Anton Tscherne: Could you tell us your company's development status and direction?

Interviewee: Our company goal three years service 1000 customers and occupy their dominant position in greater apparel consumer market, and in the larger international platform show us companies with different corporate culture.

Anton Tscherne: What is the advantage of your company's products or services compared to competitors?

Interviewee: Our company is customizable, allowing you to have more choice, with reference to your opinion we will give the most suitable for your customized solutions, customer satisfaction is our most happy to see, mutual win-win situation is our common goal, in such a virtuous cycle constantly tired product customer that we do it better and better, more open international market advantage.

Anton Tscherne: Does the company have an official website? Can you tell us the website?

Interviewee: You can do a Direct search Ningbo Jimmy Ruth Garment Co. Ltd.


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