Written Interview

Zhi Yanfu (Go to Zhejiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd). Commercial real estate is challenging

Anton | 05 Jan 15:25
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Zhi Yanfu Chairman

Go to Zhejiang Real Estate Development Company Limited


Anton Tscherne: Can you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: My name is Zhi Yanfu.

Anton Tscherne: What is the name of your company?

Interviewee: Go to Zhejiang Real Estate Development Company Limited

Anton Tscherne: What is your position in the company?

Interviewee: Chairman

Anton Tscherne: In which city is your company located in?

Interviewee: Hangzhou, Jiashan, Wenzhou, Zhejiang chamber of Commerce, Secretary

Anton Tscherne: The company was founded in what year?

Interviewee: 2007

Anton Tscherne: How many employees do you have in your company?

Interviewee: 150 people

Anton Tscherne: Can you talk about your career now?

Interviewee: Because of the direct demand of society, there are innovative and quality products. We cherish lofty goals for social people also for their own to create greater social value, carries the dream engaged in commercial real estate this challenging career!

Anton Tscherne: Could you tell us your company's development status and direction?

Interviewee: Our company's overall business stability at the same time to occupy the market leader in innovative business

Anton Tscherne: What is the advantage of your company's products or services compared to competitors?

Interviewee: Commercial complex, intelligent anti real estate, with the international practice of the market as a core competitive!


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