Written Interview

Tong Chun (Primitive Era of Cultural and Creative Development Ltd. Creative Design

Anton Tscherne | 25 Jul 15:37
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Tong Chun COO

Primitive Era of Cultural and Creative Development Company Limited


Anton Tscherne: Could you please tell us your name?

Interviewee: Tong Chun

Anton Tscherne: Please tell us the name of the company you work for?

Interviewee: Primitive Era of Cultural and Creative Development Company Limited


Anton Tscherne: Can you tell us your position in the company?

Interviewee: COO

Anton Tscherne: In which city is the company located ?

Interviewee: Jiangsu

Anton Tscherne: In which year was the company founded?

Interviewee: 2014. In the beginning we were a 3 persons Studio. Now we are situated in a green office space and we never gave up on focusong on the brand and love. We are committed to establishing "brand landing"visual solutions. We cultivate our own experience with greate vision and an open mind. We believe that every step now is right in this noisy world thus a tradesmen's heart must be absolutely quiet and stable. We focus our skills and search for perfection. We preserve our most precious and proud beginner's mind. For many years our design are constant and modern.

Anton Tscherne: Approximately how many employees are there in the company?

Interviewee: 12


Anton Tscherne: Please talk about why you are in the present business, what is your story?

Interviewee: I want to return to the origins find the idea of a beginner's mind, and always have a craftsman feelings in making hard design easy!

Anton Tscherne: Please tell us about your company's development situation and direction?

Interviewee: The company is committed to the brand and to the culture of the Internet

Anton Tscherne: Can you explain your strategic services?



1. Build image of your brand fast

- Full range of overall brand image packaging to help customers quickly build itheir image policy which will give them short term advantages. We build a product or service, using visual communication as a bridge between consumers. A consistent brand positions itself to meet the market demand, showing a more effective communication skills.

2. Application design andvVisual enhancements

- Use primitive era unique brand model, focused on visual elements at the same time, quantifying the brand personality. We do this through branding, logo design, brochure design, packaging design and branding.


3. High-end custom websites and promotion

-Original custom-level web sites that are both modern using design language. We use front-end technology, which is the leading in the industry. Comprehensive application of HTML5, combined with advanced visual concept the website can help your business navigate to PC and mobile client, became strong in the Internet age.

4. Wechat and E-commerce platform

- Micro e-commerce platform built and maintened through all aspects of exhibition, promotion, interactive, transaction, integration of online and offline, micro-marketing track helping corporations to enter, let your products using the new sales, services, and promotions.

Anton Tscherne: Your company's product or service and what kind of advantage over the competition?

Interviewee: Doing good design, not only is a beautiful thing. Our core, provides strategic brand design services as well as visual HTML5 high-end websites customers

Anton Tscherne: Does the company have an official website? Can you tell us the website?

Interviewee: www.booom.net


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